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The Cleveland Experience

May 20, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Sunny and warm

2012 Cleveland Marathon

7:05AM. Sleep: 7.5 hr. Drove down with Grogan and Carter, waited on Carter as he slowly made his way through the bathroom line, we made it to the front corral in the nick of time, let Carter go ahead since he was in better shape, first half was pretty solid, quick pit stop at the first set of port-a-johns, random hill around mile 9, second half was more interesting, not as much fan support or scenery, caught up to Carter, who couldn't respond, the heat and lack of mileage hurt my last couple of miles, thanks to Cindy, Coach Rubin, Grese, Phil, and the Vaughns for their support, 2:50:14 (chip), 2:50:17 (gun), 19 of 14,757 (overall), 17 of 6,446 (men), 2 of 396 (men 20 - 24), splits: 6:44, 12:43 (next 2), 6:19, 6:12, 6:23, 39:35 (10k), 6:16, 6:13, 6:18, 6:19, 6:28, 6:17, 6:23, 6:23, 6:19, 6:20, 6:26, 6:23, 6:28, 2:03:23 (31k), 6:25, 6:33, 6:52, 6:46, 6:59, 7:01, 8:45 (last 1.2)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
26.2 Miles 2:50:14 6:29 / Mile Race Adrenaline XII