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MB to LC and back

May 23, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Decided on a solo run from the house; and in the AM!

Ran solo from MB to LC and back; had a good breakfast, worked the shin a bit (felt GREAT!), then left just after 8AM.

Ran easy down to El D, and ran most of the climb up to the cemetary. Ran fairly aggressive down DT, then peetered out a bit, but still did a 14 split. Very easy up to Pacific Slab, hiking most of it and swatting spider webs.

Hit LC at 2:19, had a Clif, then returned. The idea was to go "Faster", so I cruised down to SB, quickly grabbed some water, and shuffled up DT. Couldn't believe how "Runnable" it was -- ran nearly all of it except a chunk near the top. Then over quick to Deadwood and a nice descent, working the two downhill gears:

- "Forward Churner" -- legit running, working high turnover.
- "High-Stepper" -- somewhat back in the pelvis, with high knees; but working to keep the trunk forward.

Made it down in :39 from the Thumb, then resisted an urge to deuce and started up MB. This was my first true run up to MB. As it turns out, the most challenging runs are the first and last half-mile. Ran most of the first half and all the of the last half...and everything in between.

At this time, it was getting pretty warm. Felt good climbing, but I took advantage of a quick douse at "10 minute creek" (my new term for the creek a mile from MB).

Made it back to Carol's in :31, for a grand total return of 1:58! Solid! Very happy with that run!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
25.0 Miles