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the falls of chagrin

June 9, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

ran the group run this morning. had a pretty chill run at chagrin. it was a nice morning, pretty sunny, but really not that hot. i keep envisioning last summer and how hot it was. we saw a hawk at the end which was pretty cool. then stretched out in the parking lot before going to get some delicious breakfast at fresh start in downtown chagrin. i was satisfied. got back to the xcfh and biked to the village.
did some pretty lazy abs, with lots of breaks. 8 by 30 then put my legs up for ten minutes, then did 60 push ups plus 3 times 20 dips. lied down on my floor and listened to music for a while before finally showering. i did not smell very good.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.0 Miles 49:54 7:07 / Mile