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it definitely could have gone worse.

June 17, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

well, this was quite the morning. i thought it would be really cool to be a part of the inaugural half marathon in the city i grew up in. it was kind of fun, but not so organized. they had us set up in corrals about 400 meters away from the actual start line which delayed the start by twenty minutes because everyone for some odd reason thought meeting at the starting line was the right idea. who knew? at the start line when we finally got there, i saw my arch-rival from high school chilling on the front line. thought about talking to him, but decided not to. he was probably rolling with the big boys. (he was! he ran like 5:40 pace) started out fairly quick. at least quicker than i wanted to. 6:00 flat first mile, then slowed up to 6:15 for a while, and a 6:30 or two in there. before picking it up a little again. ran with some cool dudes but no one really wanted to talk. and here's where my day gets interesting. somehow i missed the split off for the half marathon... really stupid and frustrating and i honestly have no idea how it happened. there were no signs! no people who were like yelling at us, saying where to go, or at least to my knowledge. i can't tell if i was just super oblivious or if it was a fault in the running of the race. it was supposed to be somewhere between miles 6 and 7. but at the time even when i passed the 7 mile mark i thought, well maybe i'm wrong, maybe it is coming up soon. then i passed the 8 mile mark. you think one of the volunteers would have noticed my different colored bib, which was supposed to indicate which race you were in, but no one noticed/told me. uggghhh. after i hit eleven i finally accepted that i missed my turn and stopped. talked to one of the volunteers and eventually caught a ride back to the finish/start line. :( i was frustrated, embarrassed, confused and all flustered and whatnot at the same time. i cant help feeling like an idiot right now and its a little frustrating because i was on pace to get 3rd in my age group, and i wasn't even tired with those two miles to go! i was just looking for my turn... the bag check was a disaster too. i was in line for like 40 minutes! oh well, i have one of the better stories about half marathons for the rest of my life. still a little frustrated but laughing at the same time. i'm a bit sore too, but mostly because i didnt really stretch. fell asleep after i got home. maybe they'll send me my finishers medal in the mail, even though i didnt finish ahahaha. the shirt is kind of cool though. that's my trophy.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles 1:08:44 6:14 / Mile Race