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June 27, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: overcast, calm, some rain

cool-down 10'

or use time rather than distance on Long Pond (1:45, 3:30,7')

Everything above this sentence was c and p'd from my excel file. GMacD and I did this workout around Kent's Pond so I used time rather than distance, TM joined us for the warm up. So this was a solid workout here. Very happy. We cooled down our legs in Long Pond after it. Feels so stiff when you first get out of the water but now I'm starting to feel the positive effects of it. SO hungry now. Time and distance are total guesses but I think the distance is close.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
17.6 Kilometers 1:10:00 3:58 / Kilometer