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i can only imagine

July 3, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

i had so much to write about this run but now i'm super lazy and tired. ran later than usual to help avoid some heat/humidity, and maybe catch some rain. i ran with my ipod for the first time in forever. its hard to do with an ipod touch because its so big and i either lost my armband or left it at home, which means its probably lost there. listened to some newly acquired music. it was good. didnt have a planned distance and ended up at courtland. i was going pretty fast, and it just felt good so i let it happen. i was real sweaty at the end. abs push ups etc. with lots of breaks to kind of just lie down and do nothing.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles 1:11:39 6:30 / Mile