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June 9, 2008 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 65F but cool, windy

Had pretty good day at work, and came home for what was going to be a real short run.

Ran to Hayward to do drills, and was dismayed to see that they've installed those stupid "swing out barriers" that preclude the use of lanes 1-3. Understandable for right now, but I really hope they don't use those regularly after the Trials.

While doing drills, I saw "Pete" rolling by and said hi. Met Pete sitting next to him at the Pre Classic yesterday. He's in town studying for the bar exam and we chatted it up. After drills I ran to the Pre Trails via Knickerbocker bridge and ran into him again. Wound up doing the rest of the run with him and got his email so we can roll in the future. With Behrs only running like 1 picometer/day, it'll be nice to have another able body to run with.

B calves sketchy today; likely from almost cramping during the hard bike yesterday. I'll have to watch it...


Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles