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my vacation

July 17, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

after yesterday's run i wasn't feeling too hot, and went to bed a bit earlier than usual. woke up this morning for work and felt awful. i havent been sick in a while, so maybe it was just all catching up to me. lied in bed for most of the day, did a whole lot of nothing, and after dinner i decided i felt good enough to try a run. it was probably not the worst run but i felt pretty awful most of the run, though i got a nice smile when i saw drew's car with steve screaming that he wanted my body. went first lake loop, and it was around 8 so it was cooler than i imagine it had been all day. (yay air conditioning) i think i'm going to take tomorrow off too, sleep in and try and recover. i get 5 days paid vacation anyway, so no biggie.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.0 Miles 52:20 7:28 / Mile