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Tely 10 2012

July 22, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: sunny, slight headwind getting hotter towards the end

The Tely 10 is over.

CC and I met SW when we got off the bus so we invited him to come with us to her sister's place for washroom usage. Saw CF on the warm-up where I ran easy for about 15' and then a little harder for about 4' and a bit. Drills, strides, blah blah.

The gun goes off after the Ode to NL and I thought it was a conservative start. JA and PP go out hard as expected (but nothing too reckless) and I don't really follow. Maybe that was a mistake.

GMacD caught me on one of the uphill portions but then I passed him again on the downhill and was ahead of him for about 4 miles. When I looked at my watch at the half-way mark it was exactly 26' so I knew I wouldn't be breaking 53' (the second half of the course is much more difficult.)

SS passed me on the bike and told me I could still catch PP and I tried to convince myself I could too. However, the man was too strong over the second half. GMacD caught me before the only "real" hill and when we got to the top he'd gaped me. The rest of the way we seemed to keep the same pace as he never pulled away but I was never a threat to him. The guy is very strong but his greatest weapon his mind.

Anyway, I had a strong effort on the last mile and finished strong in front of the clamoring crowds around Bannerman. That was good. But next year I'll have to make an effort to go harder on the first 5 miles.

My time was almost 4' faster than last year!! So the training is working.

I'd say it was a great day.

***Drove CF and his wife, PB, and CC back to Paradise and had brunch. Had a time and LL's party with everyone. Went to the ANE party at the Lion's Club but I was burnt out for the sun (and not the beer.) Went to bed. Game over.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
20.09 Kilometers 1:13:31
4.0 Kilometers 20:00 5:00 / Kilometer Warmup  
10.0 Miles 53:31 3:19 / Kilometer Race