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as good as it gets

July 29, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

we'll call it a success, but only the fact that i made it 16 miles. its an upgrade from most of my long runs, because i went as far as i intended. i was just kind of tired. went conservative early at like 7:30ish pace, and a bit of sub 7:00 pace late, but it was also mostly down hill the way back. went out to richmond via shaker, switched over to fairmount, and made my way back. i don't run down fairmount often, and its been a while since i made a trip up shaker so the new scenery was nice. i'd like to blame how tired i felt on my most miles in a week ever (which i was excited about when i finished!) and that i did it all in singles, which i kind of didnt intend to do. but, i think i'm just incapable of runs longer than 14 miles. that seems to be the point that i usually feel real good for. or can at least make it to reasonably. not the end of the world. maybe i just need more practice at long runs, haha. might stick at 16 for the rest of the summer, instead of bumping up to 17 and 18 the next two weeks like my plan calls for. we'll see what happens.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
16.0 Miles 1:54:21 7:08 / Mile