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see ALL the people!

July 31, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

i'm not much for memes, but i saw everybody and their mother today! ran out to eaton and back, and the run itself was generally normal. i sweat a lot though. like way too much. saw oodles of bikers out, my favorite dog walker, and chris and david on north park. then on cornell i saw amanda kline! it was cool to see her out running. i'm pretty sure i knew she ran occasionally, but it was just kind of cool to see her out on a hot summer day doing it! then i got back to the track and saw carter grogan and will at the track getting ready to do the tuesday workout with prof lewandowski. they were doing 1000's. i did 8 striders while kind of watching, then 2 laps in lane six because my hamstring was real tight on the last one, an di thought that would help. then i took a page out of ben yavitt's book and did some stretching outside. i wanted to watch the workout for a while, and needed some fresh air. then i saw kristen come on to the track! she said her run was a little stressful, so she told me about it after doing two laps on the track and then she left. and then i watched the last 1000 and deduced that grogan and carter are both still very fast, and that grogan wasn't gonna let will be even close to him. haha. also, i'm not sure of lewandowski's age, but i'm pretty impressed that he does workouts like this every week. i know he wasn't going super fast, but its still cool. i hope i still like running that much in the future!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles 1:14:27
10.5 Miles 1:14:27 7:05 / Mile    
0.5 Miles