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LT Workout

August 17, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: overcast, a little wind

15' warm-up + 6' marathon pace
drills and strides
20' @ LT
cool down

MB showed up as promised. MK was back from Brazil and joined us for a little bit of it to get his turnover going.

I was really pleased with this one as my first lap of Long Pond was in 10' flat and my second was in 9:37, the fastest I've ever done it.

Great to have MB home. Short cool down after 4 strides.

Distance Duration Pace HR Avg HR Max Interval Type Shoes
12.75 Kilometers 51:00
3.4 Kilometers 15:00 4:24 / Kilometer Warmup  
1.6 Kilometers 6:00 3:45 / Kilometer    
5.75 Kilometers 20:00 3:28 / Kilometer 170 180 Tempo  
2.0 Kilometers 10:00 5:00 / Kilometer Cooldown