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River Falls to Eau Claire Bike

May 2, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: 56ish, mostly sunny, 10-15mph TAILWIND!

Stayed out wayyyy too late in St Paul last night. It was a good time, but I could NOT believe how expensive it is to simply drink OK beer. I thought Oregon was bad, but this makes Eugene seem thrifty!

Because I didn't get to bed 'til nearly 2, I did not do an AM run prior to meeting Mike at OSI. We didn't meet for too long, but it was good to catch up and share my thoughts on knee rehab with him. I'm really excited to continue to work on this approach...

Went to the Sjoberg's for Grace's first communion bash, where I ate a lot of great food. Around 2 I headed home. Packed up, did circuits, then hit the road for EC.

Had a NICE tailwind the whole ride, though at points it did turn into a cross wind. It was a pretty good ride, but I was surprised how sore MY ASS was! WTF? I never get a sore ass anymore from biking, but I was feeling it in the first 10 miles, which sucked.

The first 40-ish to Menomonie was, as expected, ROLLING, but not too tough. I took one pit outside Meno to do some back stretches, drink water (I was dehydrated!), and have a clif shot. The last 20ish miles was GREAT. I was flying: 26-30mph! My legs were getting pretty damn tired by the time I got to Elk Mound, but I gutted out for a nice 64-er.

I hit 3:00 ride time exactly when I triumphantly rolled up to Viv & Bill's Last Chance. Got several odd looks but was overall welcomed by the locals at V&Bs, who were intently watching the day's NASCAR event. Had a GREAT convo with a retirement age Afro-American woman, who explained to me that she used to be as skinny as me, but that was when she was SMOKING CRACK! She doesn't do THAT anymore -- just WEED. We both agreed that's a step in the right direction! AHAHA! Good stuff, with a ice cold bottle of Coors Light, to boot!

Met up with Steve and Mike at Mogie's for one more, then a shorty of Berghoff at The Joynt before retiring for the night.

I was EXHAUSTED...and I had a long run at 0600 to look forward to. Eek.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes