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August 25, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

So I missed the start because I was in the bathroom. It happens. Coach told me to go run it anyway and started a new watch. I ended up stopping for 30-40 seconds to let the guys go through the mile without colliding with them, then just went. For running alone the whole time, I was actually pretty pleased with the result. Even though team R got crushed. It happens. Coach had my time as 18:40 so I figure it would have been around 18 flat without stopping, and I know in a race situation it would've been much quicker.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.11 Miles 48:00
2.0 Miles 15:00 7:29 / Mile Warmup Brooks Adrenaline GTS 12
5.0 Kilometers 18:00 5:47 / Mile Race Waffle XC VIII
2.0 Miles 15:00 7:29 / Mile Cooldown Brooks Adrenaline GTS 12