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episcopal relays

September 6, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: hot, partly cloudy

felt awful...felt unbearably slow and tired, but somehow most of the rest of the team seamed reasonably on their game. i had a last min switch in partner, and morgan was a pretty amazing freshman. she put me in the perfect position both times she handed off to me. but i just wasn't feelin it. i guess she inspired me quite a bit and i didn't wanna let her down, so i stayed pretty focused the 2nd time i went into the woods and by the time i'd come out i'd passed the girl i was determined to pass and gave it a short little 100m sprint.
boys won, and we had quite a few girls teams up there

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles 0:00
3.0 Miles Warmup GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6
2.0 Miles Race GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6
1.0 Miles Cooldown GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6