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October 23, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Warm-up 1.15, 9:00
2:00: .30 = 6:46 pace
1:00 REC
4:00: .58 = 6:54 pace
2:00 REC
6:00: .91 = 6:36 pace
3:00 Rec
4:00: .63 = 6:26 pace
2:00 Rec
2:00: .29 = 6:59 pace
1:00 Rec
4:00: .59 = 6:47 pace
Cool Down: 1.15, 9:42

Warm-up and Cool-down = 2.3; 18:42
Intervals: 3.3; 22:00
Recovery: 1.0; 9:00

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.6 Miles 49:42
1.15 Miles 9:00 7:49 / Mile Warmup  
3.3 Miles 22:00 6:40 / Mile Interval  
2.15 Miles 18:42 8:41 / Mile Cooldown