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making waves

October 29, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

raan down mlk to the lake and back along 55th to chester with wyatt, david, ben and chris e. possibly a bit short of ten, but close enough for me. it was a pretty good run, except for the last 20ish minutes, which were freezing! when we got to the lake it was so windy and rainy and awesome! the waves were huge and we ran along in amazement for a bit, laughing and enjoying the water shooting up on the rocks. there were some news crews there too, maybe we ended up on tv! got hit by a pretty huge wave too. it was a good run. freezing when we got back, and took a half hour shower haha. my knee was really sore though. left one. same old pain. and i hope it was only because of the cold that it was hurting. today was the first day since track i've really been bothered, so i think it might have just been all the cold on the joints. i was soaked so it made the cold a exponential or something. gonna back log last weeks mileage, i kind of am just doing whatever, no real plan. still just trying to staying afloat.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles 1:11:00 7:06 / Mile