October 29, 2012 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Run
Today was a long run day. Kinda like last year when we got back from conference. I had a bad day that day... Today was weird, a bunch of bad things happened but I seemed to turn them around in the end, eerie foreshadowing for the run. Left at 4ish with Corey Wyatt Chris E and David. We were going to do Wyatts run through the ghetto. We headed up MLK, but at that point, the wind was really whipping. We wanted to see the swells on the lake from the hurricane. They were massive, really cool actually. We kinda ran through them since the huge waves were crashing on the lake front. We got drenched. At that point, we kpt going to E 55 and took that down to Chester, then took Chester back. THe streetlights were going on and off downtown, I seriously thought that the apocalypse was happening. On the way back down Chester, my legs started to feel real heavy and shitty. Alos, Achilles was kinda tight the whole time, but manageable for sure. Infront of Key bank, I went down on a rolled ankle. It wasnt a total crank, but it hurt pretty bad. It was my left one (the bad one). It has been a while I would say, I am happy for that. Anyways had to wobble back to Veale. Its gonna be sore and swollen the next few days. I am gonna have to GTD workout wednesday...So weird that this exact same thing happened last year... Being the alternate I am not too worried or bumbed, but it does hurt.
Essentials: Stretch, L7, roll, hips, abs
Iced first then did a light essentials. Didnt feel all that into it. Nurse the ankle tomorrow and get into an ice bath hopefully. Its gonna be pretty sore, but I can make it through it. This hurricane is causeing all kinda shenanigans.
40-40 club x2
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
10.0 Miles | 1:11:00 | 7:06 / Mile | Long | Brooks Ghost 5 |