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VRC Tempo

December 17, 2012 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Worked late 'til 6 (including my monthly EUG running co), and didn't run 'til 630. No yoga, again. I miss the damn workout. Chelsea's masochism makes for excellent workouts, for sure.

Went for my first tempo, post-TNF. The idea was form-first: to ease into it and see what the body would give, being sure the turnover was near 180 and that I was getting the R foot down and the trunk symmetrical. x4 strides, then go. Timed, but did not look.

Felt strong throughout, with very controlled breathing. Had some trouble keeping the trunk forward, but good symmetry. The splits:

5:59, 5:57, 5:39

Really pleased with that last mile.

Post-tempo: L hip flexor soreness. Oops. This has been an issue (as it's the reciprocal opposite of the R LE push off). It's 50% "not used to doing that so well", and 50% not being compact with my L heel...which is also why I still brake a bit more on the L. Oh well. Keep learning...

Overall, the stride felt VERY GOOD, though.

Did some more Convict Conditioning tonight. Seriously...I'm not sure I've been this "ripped"..."it's PRETTY FUNNY". I really do miss the yoga for the hip stab and push off strength. But at this point, my core is getting strong enough that I have to put on heavy shoes for challenge with some of my leg lifts... Pick it up, BGD! Maybe we can do one of my "workouts" in a couple weeks.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.5 Miles