November 22, 2012 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Other
Time for the recap even though I did this pretty late. Here is what I wrote at the beginning of the season:
Last Year my goal was Top 40 at Conference. I got 60 something. This year my goal is to get Top 40 at conference. I still feel that that is the level that I want to be at and can be at. With circumstances, I got as close as I could with solid summer training and a heart of competition during the season. I want to replicate that, just at the next level of fitness and running strength.
I also want to have fun and enjoy myself. That can be tough to do with all the setbacks and injuries, but my goal is to stay positive as much as possible and enjoy every minute of the season with my friends and team mates.
Lastly, I will be satisfied with each performance. That is something to keep in mind all the time. To give it all and "feel" and know there was nothing left to give. This is my last season, so why not give it all in to the sport I have gotten so much from.
For the team, we should keep improving on our efforts, our morals, and our performances. I think we can move up from last year (looking at straight stats there is no reason we shouldnt) Nationals is going to be as tough as ever, but you never know whats going to be happening at the end of the season. We are gonna kick ourselves if we arnt prepared, so be prepared for anything. At that point we need to be ready to believe it.
1)Top 40 at Conference
-65th. Same performance as last season, but it felt different this time. I went in and knew it was going to end at Rochester, where it all started. That was a humbling experience I think. Overall, I couldnt have been more thankful.
2)Run to be satisfied = consistent 26s
-Ran consistently, but not in te 26 range. I felt stronger and more competitive that ever before. I did PR and break 27 which is a huge accomplishment. I also felt like each race I made good decisions. I ran strong from the first 8k at PSB and didnt fall back from there. I know when I felt strong.
3)Have fun and enjoy everyday. Always stay healthy in positive mindset.
-Accomplished that one. Loved every minute of the season. I even learned how to use my injuries to my advantage. It helped immensely, gave me a purpose. Something to run for. I honestly had my best races with those little things behind me.
4)Pass on the knowledge to the younger generation
-I hope so... I know some people noticed. I still did it because I felt like it was the right thing. I knew what I needed to do. Give back to the sport that has given so much.