January 17, 2013 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: high 30s, foggy
Stiff and sore today from the leg work yesterday. Rather than be depressed by running 34-35s for 200s, I chose to do untimed 100s instead.
2 mi warm-up to SEHS, then 100s. Did 8; it took 'til #5 to realize I was still "flat-backing" when running fast! Damn. Sheesh. But the moment I was "OK" with some "Killian Butt" (lumbar extension), I ran probably 1-1.5s faster with quicker turnover and less "hamstring struggle". I really think this is why I'm having the hamstring/braking issues, persistent: flat back = energy doesn't go beneath/behind, it gets stuck out front.
Back was a bit sore in the AM, but not bad in the PM. SUPS-busy day at work, but a "good day"...
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
4.0 Miles |