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"Tim's 10" + "Pete's Punisher" preview

January 20, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Slept in a bit at Tim's - I got the guest bed, which was money. FYI - Tim is no longer working as an LMT, so his former studio massage room in the house is the new guest bedroom.

Went for the run around 0930. I was concerned a bit because my L foot and lateral ankle was really sore the night before, but the foot was fine on the run.

So the "easy 10" route is straight uphill out the door to the canal trail, heading south. Climbs maybe 200-300', but brutal to start a run that way (and Tim hauls ass, of course).

On the canal for a good mile.5, then another big climb on "Alice in Wonderland" trail, which maybe climbs another 800-1200' up several switchbacks.

During this time, I got "The Story", or a big chunk of it...from Cal St to the finish.

It's a long story, but the most remarkable part about it was when he crossed the river, having put a couple minutes on Sandes, he switched pacers from Hal to Chris Renneckar, a solid but not super-talented Ashland guy. At that time, Tim also got his mp3 player.

Once across the river, he put it quite plainly: he intentionally tried to drop Chris. Chris was now "the competition" and he was working his ass off - doing mega grunts ("I just didn't care"), pushing super-hard - to drop him, which he did, at Brown's.

He said it wasn't the plan, but he had discussed with Hal a week before the race for Hal to "be ready" if that happened, at 49 to take over.

He also said he got a huge boost from the Ashland folks at Brown's, which fueled his run to 49. And then having Hal at 49 was also huge. He also said he ran all of the rocky shit from 49 up to Pointed Rocks. But he did walk a bit of the singletrack switches between No Hands and Robie.

Back to the run: Tim talking the whole climb kept the pace doable, but still tough. Jason fell back, so we waited for him 2/3 of the way up, then at the top.

The ankle was OK on the climb, but tight and painful on the rolling descent/flats on the top of the ridge heading back north. I had to baby it a bit, which was unfortunate.

Tim took us on a detour to this new hill he calls "Pete's Punisher" - it's basically like, a NON-trail in the middle of the woods that's 20% for 1.5 miles - climbs 2k? "No one else in town can do it in <15", except him, Tim says. Eek. We're going to do it when I'm in town next.

From there, we got back on the route, ran past "Prickly Pete" and back to the house.

Overall, a great run - my body and energy felt a TON better than yesterday, meaning I was able to actually "rest" through a 26-mile run.

Post-run: I cajoled Tim into "unloading" some of his old P-I gear, so Jason and I had a free shopping spree through some sweet PI jackets, LS' and shirts! Came away with some good stuff!

Got some breakfast w/Jason, then drove home.


1. Holy shit is Tristan, Tim's son, a mega-cutie. If LIL BGD is half as cute as "Mr T", then I'm quitting my job and being BGD's live-in nanny!

2. Running with Tim was another good learning experience - on AGGRESSIVENESS. That it's OK to be aggressive, and to inflict pain. Too often I'm all about "easy, efficient", but the reality, to podium - or to even WIN - WS requires enormous aggressiveness. It will not simply fall into my lap by "running smart".

This weekend+ was a good example: inflicted pain on Friday, still ran long and quality Sat but very easy, allowing rest. Training this way - high volume, but periods of high intensity followed by very easy, will make this aggressive training doable.

3. It was good, also, to be around, essentially, four "professional runners" (Tim, Hal, Rickey, Max). Just good to drink in that vibe of passion, competitiveness and aggressiveness.

4. I'm gonna see about heading down to A-town MONTHLY to train, if Tim is OK with it. That would be a really good "dosage" of that pain he'd inflict on me on the trails.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles