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Campus + PRE/Spfd + Willamette "Tempo" grind

January 23, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: high 30s? rain.

Because I'm going to WI this weekend, I piggy-backed yesterday's track session with a "progression run" tempo-ish effort.

No run at noon: instead I did what D-Bo calls a "gentleman's workout": easy exercise bike, followed by foam roll/ball massage and stretching, in part because:

A.) The outside of my L foot is sore (lateral strike/over-stride during the last tempo)
B.) It was cold and rainy as shit, and I only wanted to go into it once today.

Got done w/work, went home, changed, and went for it. Wore a new, awesome PI jacket that has a thick-but-soft waterproof shell and hood. Also had tights, hat, gloves and visor.

Got after it from the start, going 6:30 ->6:20s steady through campus and into Springfield, stopping for a deuce five miles into the run.

From there, I ground down into the progression:

3/4ish first mile ~ 6:0x pace
3:02 (half mile, crossed the bridge to the south side)

Overall a solid effort, considering the dark and rain. Made a big effort to keep the lumbar arch and forward trunk, but man, even at this more controlled effort, that was challenging. I automatically sped up when I re-corrected.

Also worked on getting my feet beneath me. I THINK I did a better job, as my L lateral foot wasn't sore during, nor particularly sore after, the run.

As tough as they are, especially solo, these harder bouts are rewarding and enjoyable.

I really hope I can put it together on 3/3 - and I need to, to be sure I don't hurt myself that day - but if nothing else, I feel like I'm getting a lot stronger.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.5 Miles   adidas Adizero Blue