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SEHS 400's w/Dan-O

February 6, 2013 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50 -> mid 40s, clear/no rain, light wind

Was going to do this solo, but had the foresight to send a "shot in the dark" email to the fellas to see if anyone would join with on this track session. Luckily Dan-O was in, which was awesome. These sessions can be brutal to do, solo.

Drove home, then ran 2mi from the apt to SEHS track. The plan was to do: 3x(4x400m). 100m/1min jog rest between the 400s, then 400m/3min between the sets. The pace plan was 74-76 1st set, 72-73 2nd set, then sub 70 for the 3rd.

I was TIRED. But I felt like I could get through it with Dan's help.

We alternated leading, me doing 1-3 and Dan-o 2-4. The damages:


Lap rest while Dan-O deuced. Stride felt good but energy was LOOOWW. 2nd set was TOUGH:

70.4 (damn it, Dan-O! This one hurt)

By the end of the 2nd set, I was destroyed. I wanted to bail, but I came up with a compromise: A year ago, Dan-O and I did a track relay "race" where you did an 80K relay, where you alternate running, resting while the other guy is running. So I proposed we do one more 1600m, or 2 laps/guy hard.

Dan-O led off, and we "tagged" each other for the hand-off. It was pretty awesome:


Awesome workout! 10x400 is still pretty solid, and it was a lot easier, mentally, to run those last couple that way.

Stride felt good: worked on being forward, "opening"/extending the pelvis, and being "wide" with my foot strike.

Interesting development: post-workout my calves were just GONE. Did a mile CD w/Dan-o and in the first 800m both calves nearly cramped. However, I think this was a good thing because it was the L medial and R lateral = me "equalling out" my stride/footstrike. Anyway, post-run (that night, next AM) they weren't sup's sore/trashed, which is good.

Good workout!!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles