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West PRE

February 10, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 40s, dry-ish

LONG day. Went to Bloom and, miraculously, did 95% of the (now 2000-word) column. No Heath's sister, but good sunshine through the window.

Left at 1130 and drove home. Stopped before Red Bluff to talk to my friend Max for :45 (forgot to mention that, as one of my Top 5, he's having a "rough patch" right now). Stopped because it's too hard to talk (and illegal) in the car. Got gas around there.

Stopped only one other time, Canyonville/mile 99 (tribal casino so I got to pump my own gas) in Oregon. Got home at 7:15.

Did a spirited, but tired conditioning: push-ups, pullups, glut extensions (all 4's w/flexed knee - that helped a TON do to Fri night before the Sat run!), and abs.

Then went for a reluctant run. Felt rough until the first mile, then shockingly good. It didn't last though, then my energy just plummeted!

Pretty great weekend...but F, it sucks to blow an entire day in the car. Then I eat like crap because I'm chomping pretzals and diet soda trying to stay awake. It'll be amazing when I'm 75mi away instead of 500.

BODY FEEDBACK from Saturday:

- R abs a little sore, meaning I was still tensing and likely not opening the R pelvis as much as necessary...
-...BUT no R LBP (yet - as of Monday at 2PM)!
- R gluts SUPS-sore, which is a good thing, I think - better push off
- NOT sore in the L lateral foot! My foot feels better than it did a week ago, and better than the first half of the run, when the ankle was stiff.
- Achilles'/heels pretty good, both sides!

MISC stuff:
- My inbound from Saturday was actually 1:43. I accidentally added the 7min of our Deadwood rest to the return. In essence, it was 2:00 out, 7 rest, then 1:43 return.

- The marathon fitness and strength really paid off on Saturday, BUT it's no substitute for hill training and "quad seasoning", that's for sure!

- I'm not sure *how* disappointed BGD is from Saturday, but we learn more from adversity than success. It sucked to get my quads blown and butt kicked going down to El D, but I learned A.) how to run DH's better ("Flick a Dick"), and B.) it let me know what I needed to work on, where I was. Likewise, I hope Saturday was a learning experience and a marking point of where a guys is vs where he wants to be. As for me, he shouldn't feel too bad: I simply felt REALLY STRONG, and overall, I'm pretty darn fit right now. :)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles