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AiW + Four Corners - Ashland, w/Jimothy and BGD

February 23, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: high 30s/low 40s, failry nice

Nice sleep in, breakfast, then run with Jimothy and BGD. Both of them were "pretty worn", which kept the pace reasonable. I was a touch worn, myself, from the week and yesterday's non-5K tempo. Pretty conservative but honest effort on the climb up to the "lookout". Some fresh snow overnight made the trail a bit more adventuresome.

Ran out to Four Corners; I forgot how mcuh of a grinder that climb is - like a half-strength Hardesty (in distance and grade). Near the end I was getting my fill of both the prolonged climb and the deepening snow; thankfully it came it an end just before I was ready to "start bitchin".

Chill descent down and back to AiW, and I peeled off down the "Rabbit Hole" to the house.

Felt pretty OK. I still feel like I'm banging my L foot, even with good focus on a L "wide push", which feels really good. I really do think I need to keep taping the distal fibula, which helped significantly on Tue - Thu: I just have to find a way to do so without pissing off my achilles!

Nice afternoon "soak" at the Y, the bumming around Ashland, then dinner, then "a night cap" or twelve! Such a fun time! What could be better than spending an evening out with some excellent ultra guys...AND gobfuls of seemingly single, available women all around? WTF? How can a town of 22K have like 100x more women than Eugene-Springfield's 200K?? It only magnifies the tragic flaw of an otherwise terrific community. I need to strongly consider finding a contract job in the Rogue Valley...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
14.0 Miles