March 14, 2013 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: high 50s, overcast
Had an abbreviated pool session (some little kid, apparently, POOPED in the pool!), so I drove to South HS on the way home. Did some side skips, ran a mile, x4. Then I did x4 hard 100m strides. Just WORKING the form.
Gonna have a pow-wow with BGD on what the marathon told both of us: we have inadequate heel recovery, hip flexion "behind us": for me, it results in this loopy, long, slow overstride; for him, it's the low-foot, long-leg Anton Shuffle. Either stride SUCKS for both hamstring and QWAADZ!
Really worked on the higher, "behind me, clearing the hurdle" recovery that, I really I think I had nailed back in '10 when I ran 2:31 at EUG. It felt pretty good. Was also working on trunk neutral.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
4.5 Miles |