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"Not a real run"

June 19, 2008 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: B-E-A-utiful

Ran with some music today, so according to a certain person I am not a real runner, meaning this wasn't a real run."

Ran on the towpath after work for the second day. Started at deep lock again but went in the opposite direction.

Figured I would do 10 so I could get 2 off days this week. Started off slow and was a bit sore but started picking it up. By then end I was flying. Probably a bit too fast, but oh well. Overall it was a great run.

Random story from work for the day. I teach kids ages 7-12. Today a kid walked in who had real tattoos on both his forearms and both of his calves. I couldn't believe it. How does a middle schooler get real tats?

Finally, I think the weather is out to get me. I have wanted to run in the rain this whole summer and it always rains right before or after I run.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles