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Yoga; West PRE

April 1, 2013 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: high 50s/60, sunset...

Busy day. Had to get taxes done, pick up my new prescriptions (swear I haven't had a rx drug in at least ten years, maybe 20), and finish a lecture that I'm giving at NW Christian Univ (little used-to-be-bible-but-now-normalish college in town).

Was planning on doing yoga at 7PM, but when my 1130 patient canceled, I went for it and signed up for the "Lunch Time Power Flow" class. Chelsea teaches it. Got there just before class, didn't see or talk to her.

SENSATIONAL CLASS. I forgot how awesome an instructor she is. I think it's like a boxer - it's not the pure power, it's the flow and combinations. Her classes are exceptional. I was sweating my ass off early. I had some hockey soreness (especially abs!), but otherwise I was fine.

There were a few guys in the class, and one guy had taken his shirt off halfway. It's "OK" to do so, but I've always maintained "modesty". I decided to just fuck it and do it: for one, so that my shirt wasn't soaking went, and two...I feel pretty confident that my grotesque 100-mile body has filled out a bit more since last fall. :)

In the last bit of class, I was doing clockwatching: the class lists as ending at 12:50. I have a patient at 1PM. So when we were transitioning from strength to cooldown (and while Chelsea was switching from Clyde Carson-esque rap to slow jams), I bolted: just grabbed my mat and towel, then my shoes/keys/jacket, and ran off! Must've looked funny -- just ran down the street wearing only compression shorts!

Turns out I left my shirt in there. OOPS!

Had a pretty good afternoon at work...til after, when I saw a FB posted pic of Chelsea and El Jefe.



Ugh-tastic. I got really down about it, and it's because I let my brain spin another a fantasy-web about how she'd finally come to her senses; not that we'd "be together", but that there'd be some sort of future there. That may sound stupid, given my most recent thoughts and feelings (which haven't changed), but I was hoping for something that - almost positively - will not happen.

Like, EVER.

That really bummed me out the rest of the evening. Wrapped the lecture, went to the pharmacy, self-medicated with some 1/2 price Cream EGGZZZ, then finally got home at 7. Thought about not running, but went for it.

GOOD run. I was tired from hockey, yoga, and the 45 miles on Fri-Sat, but it felt good to get out there. Stride felt good, too: really worked on "opening" and "pooping my hips out the back" - it's the sensation I need to get adequate forward engagement/hip extension (as opposed to Grandpa Joe Sitting Stride). Felt strong. Ran with tunes, which also helped. Had to work to NOT run fast...

Weird stuff: some L medial knee pain. Not sure where it's coming from. Might've been from hockey, but I think I felt it before then...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles