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3/5ths Hardesty

April 24, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weird day. Just SUPER-tired at work. I KNOW it was allergies. I felt like shit on the run. I took another Zyrtek afterward, and it helped a BIT, but I was still feeling run down as I left work and drove to Hardesty.

It's days like these that aren't necessarily all or nothing: "Run hard or stay home". Rather, sometimes there's days where you have to go to the "100-mile gear". This is important for two reasons:

1.) to allow REST[fulness] while still getting in the work.
2.) to hone in one the FAT-burning gear! If you run too fast (7s or faster!), you bypass fat-burning and only burn sugar.

That said, going EASY is important. For me, I felt like what I needed from this run is efficient climbing and descending, and the downhill stress.

So that was the idea: go super-easy, and keep the HR low. I wore the HR monitor to keep track, knowing that the first couple segments I'd be 150ish, then 160 for the last 2mi.

Wore the new PI Trail N2s:

Just got em in the mail. Wasn't too excited about them, but man, they felt great! The only prob was the heel DRAAAAHP: like 4mm?? 8mm? Anyway, not enough.

The run was a cluster-fuck. I was tired, so I took MUSIC along. That helped, but I was plagued all day by:

- R heel soreness. Base of the heel/achilles. It's been tight since Monday. Some last week, too. It's this stuff you don't notice when you do NO running...
- L lateral foot soreness. Also from Monday/Tue. Ran without taping, and the whole foot - in general - has been stiff. Oops.
- HIGH HR! Shit! Right away I was high: like mid-150s just starting! Then, not a mile in (still super easy), >160! Ugh! The effort felt good, but the heart rate says that you're still tired. Neurological fatigue. Not good.
- Gut rot. The farther I went, the worse it got.

Usually the R heel warms up after about 15-20min of running. It didn't tonight: I stopped twice to work it: first stretching, then actually sitting down and soft-tissue mob'ing. It was OK, but the combination of all things said, "bag it".

Ran 3mi up, then turned around and headed back. Did total nose breathing on the descent (Figured I'd work on something). The descent felt GREAT - I felt very relaxed, the feet were moving fast, and I felt very fluid. Gut was still off, so I had to DEUCE (and dry leaf wipe!), which sucked.

Post-run: L lateral foot soreness. I worry about this area, I don't want to keep beating it to hell. Worked a lot on planting that foot wide, and I was taped. But I beat it up on Mon/Tue...

- Called my friend Adam after the run, still at the TH. Hadn't talked to him in like TWO years. Super nice guy. Old teammate from college, GOOD friend; I coached with him for two years with his HS team. I heard through former athletes that he was getting a "non-renewel" (fired from teaching/coaching job). Ugh. We talked; some weird drama with the principal; looks like he might be sticking around after all. Over 50 people emailed the schoolboard on his behalf.

He's a SUPER nice guy but, I have to admit, a bit lazy. His students would say the same: he'd teach for only 15-20min, then let the kids work on stuff on their own for the rest of the period (45-60min??). So...I dunno how that played into it. I hope he gets it together: has a kid and another on the way! Super-awesome guy and a guy who stood up for me when I didn't deserve it. Maybe he needs some tough love, maybe this will be a good thing for him?

No Max's tonight. Had gut rot and fatigue the rest of the night. Bed before 10.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles