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April 26, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

It was packed as shit for yoga today, so I was stuck in the upper DEHCK, like a DEHCK! Chelsea hasn't activated my Groupon in the computer, so I haven't been able to reserve classes. When I got there she said, "You might not be able to stay." What a BEHHHTCH!

Side note: the music returned to the usual rap/R&B selections today. I've been to about twenty of Chelsea's classes: ALL have had rap/R&B EXCEPT the class that Jeff attended.

WTF is her problem? "Insane in the MEMBRANE! (INSANE IN THE BRAIN!")

Pretty good class. Not too taxing. Felt a bit of tightness in the L hammy (very little, compared to shitty-stride days), but no ab tightness, no low back pain! That's a HUGE sign after a hard, fast track session last night!

Ankle and foot feeling way better. Still going to take today off in prep for this weekend, which'll be relatively stout. I'm VERY excited to:

A.) Take Matt, my old roommate and trail rookie, on Hardesty. We're gonna keep it real easy ("fat burning") and I'll be going zero carb.

B.) Run the EUG 2/3 marathon with the new stride and sugar! Seriously...unless I'm truly fried (which I might be), I think it's gonna feel like 20x better than Napa, on account of the "Salazar (hips/ass back, trunk bowing forward) Stride"!

We'll see!