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"Long Hardesty" - S.Willamette+Eula+Hardesty+Sawtooth+Lost-Creek+Goodman

May 4, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 40s ->70F

Post-track meet:

Met up with Cliff. It's "Eugene Fashion Week", and Cliff is a professional photographer. He wasn't shooting the "week", but some of his friends were. Apparently there was a "lingerie show" on Wednesday that was quite entertaining. Friday night's show was more tame ("ready to wear") - with about two dozen local designers. So I went!

Met Cliff there and watched the 2nd half. Some very attractive women, a few not, but a lot of interesting, and cool styles!

Post-show, we went out for drinks: me, Cliff and his friend Jeremy (the photog), and one of the designers, Scott (whose line was by far the "coolest") and his friend Josh. Went to a new place downtown(!!) called "First National Taphouse": SUPER cool: about three dozen taps with variable prices! At any given time, beers will increase or decrease price based on demand. Had a beer and some sliders and chatted with the fellas. Then a few of the MODELS showed up! Ah...hahaha! Oh sheesh. Definitely a different experience, for sure: hanging out with fashion designers, models, and photographers! But I hung in there and had a good time...until damn near 1AM! F!

Left just before 1, and didn't get to bed 'til 1:30. Ugh.

Woke up 4 hours later for the run. Lewis had to do stuff at 10:30, so we met at his house at 615. Barely got any breakfast or tea in, before driving to Hardesty.

Felt a little off - and very tired - as we started. I popped a Zyrtek right before (a gel cap, on top of the food). Jason ("Mr Roberts") led it out HARD up Hardesty Trail(a half-mile 'til turning onto the rolling S. Willamette), and I was straggling wayyy back.

If Hardesty is the hypotenuse, then S. Willamette and Eula are the right sides of the triangle. We ran the sides: S. Willamette, then up the super-steep Eula.

Came around a little bit near the tail end of S. Willamette, but felt like garbage on the Eula climb. Stopped to shit a mile up, but that only helped a little. Felt tired, cold and feverish.

Swear I wasn't hung over: I had three beers in 3.5 hours (a 12oz and two cheater pints). But the 4hr sleep, and awkward nutrition from Friday definitely played a huge role.

We walked a TON of the 2nd half of Eula. It's steep, but Mr Roberts was peetering out. His stride is just too slow, so when he gets on prolonged ups, he can't sustain it. So we walked a ton of stuff. The walking felt like shit.

Finally, we got to the Hardesty trail (~600m from the summit). I was strongly considering bailing with Lewis and Mr Roberts, who were only doing "the triangle". But Dan-O and I drove together and it was my car. I couldn't bail.

I had no food or water, so at the top, I had a few pulls of Dan's bottle and decided to tough it out. I told Dan it could be slow as shit, but I'd do it.

Sawtooth was OK - in and out bouts of gut rot and deadleg, but I gradually came around. When we got to the long descent of Lost Creek, I had to deuce again, bad. It sucked - it burned like I ate spicy shit, but I didn't: the hallmark sign of "Zyrtek Rot". F. A few hundred feet below, we stopped at an awesome spring and I drank about 16oz of water, which might've helped.

Had an OK descent, then hit the road. It felt like we were rolling but the split was very pedestrian (19:30? A fast one is 18-lows), then got on Goodman.

I led Goodman, and with the gut settling down, the legs gradually came around until we had a nice little pace going. I really form-focused: got the trunk forward/butt out, which is SO AWESOME for those up/down/up/down transitions, because you keep flying forward. The effort felt pretty sustainable and the gut was OK.

On the last hard segment, the horizontal canyons, we rolled pretty hard. I stopped to take the tape off my ankle and Dan-O got past. I thought I'd catch back up easy but he was moving!

Hit the parking lot just under 4:00. UGH. Tough run, tough run. Not sure I was "glad I did it", but "W/E". Got the work in, but not the quality work I was looking for.

Spent the rest of the day...SLEEPING! Got home at 12ish, ate 'til 1, then slept in and out of consciousness 'til nearly 5! Went to Matt's house to work on his ankle and drink his keg beer, then came home. No Saturday night of the fashion show - too damn tired.

This brings up two good points:

1.) I need to be more disciplined. It's May, it's go-time for training. I need sleep and nutrition discipline, and I'd been lacking the latter half of this week.

2.) There are single men and women - and fun things to do - in Eugene! Wow! Friday night was so different and excellent! Just need to find a balance!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
23.0 Miles