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2013 Beer Mile!

May 11, 2013 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 80F, warm!!!

The rest of the afternoon: went to Market of Choice to get beer, then came home. I was SUPZ HUNGZ, and I didn't know what to I made my "protein pancakes" (1/4c whey powder, 1/4c cottage cheese, 2 eggs - blended - that's it!), with real maple syrup (=rocket fuel, right?). Problem was, I ate 'em at 5:30 and at 7:30, when I warmed up, I was burping them up like crazy! Oh, shit!

Got to the track early to warm-up. It was a death-march shuffle, like a lot of mile/1500m warm-ups can be. Dropped a deuce, did two miles and felt better by the time I got back to the track.

TONS of people there! A good two dozen runners and at least that many spectators. My boss, Jeff, came out, and he was my "beer handler". Put on the spikes, did strides, and - just a bit after 8PM - it began!

My beer run strategy is pretty simple:

- to drink: FILL your mouth, then swallow HUGE gulps, instead of trying to constantly swallow little gulps
- to run: get a burp out, run HARD from 50-350, then cruise in so you're not too out of breath to drink again.

At "Go", I had a so-so first can and got out in 3-4th place. I was surprised on how SLOW the guys were running, so I easily rolled into second place by 200m and hung behind him - Luke Vaughn (my rival from '11) into the second beer.

HAMMERED the 2nd beer: filled my mouth while nose-breathing! Luke's a fast chugger, but I got out a good 2-3 seconds before him. Ran a pretty solid 2nd lap.

The awesome thing about this year's race is that Todd Bosworth (local running guy, super-awesome) brought his iPad and set-up a timer! I got out before 1:30 for the 2nd lap, and just before 3:00 for the 3rd lap.

What helped a ton is that there was a co-ed relay team also running, and the girls (a couple former DI runners) were fast! So they pulled me along the track. They'd ALWAYS drink fast (only doing one lap, every new runner was not out of breath at all, obviously, when they drank). I HAMMERED my last can, except for a mild "mouth spill" that cost me a second (no penalty, thankfully!), then took off, determined to break 6!

Taking off, I gave out a HUGE Jimothy growl! "UGGZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!" The anchor woman of the relay was about 30m out front, so I cranked after her. I knew if I really hammered this last lap, I would break 6. With about 125 to go, I got around the woman (who yelled, "Fuck!" as I passed her! HAHA!), and blazed into the finish for a 5:54!

Oh, man. It, I guess? It was, but it was hard! My stomach was sore, initially, and within a few minutes I was buzzing, HARD.

Really happy I broke 6! It really came down to "drinking well". I'd love to take on BGD in this event!

So, post-run: Jordyn showed up! She actually texted me this afternoon, socializing about the Beer run. I "waited her out" a couple hours to write back (I mean, c'mon...I write a "how's your day?" text on Wednesday and you take an entire day to text back, after having a text-fest with me the week before?). We talked a fair amount, post-run. I'm not sure why, but in my 4-beer mega-buzz I thought it was a good time to show her the "game film" from Oregon Twilight, and talked to her about her trunk. Did I do this as some sort of last-ditch pitch for my usefulness to her? I dunno.

We wound up being the last two on the track. What I SHOULD have talked to her about was, "Do you like me or not, what gives?". But it never crossed my drunken mind! Maybe that's for the best - probz not a convo I should have in that state.

Went to Lewis' house for his birthday bash; had very little beer, and ate to sober up, then went home around 11:30.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.0 Miles 0:00
2.0 Miles Warmup  
1.0 Miles Race