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May 25, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

ran with sergio and benny d this morning. went out down to the lake to bratenal (i honestly have no idea how to spell it, and i'm not 100% sure thats even what the area is called). got back and ben and i added some barefoot laps on the field and a few shorter striders. i was tired by the end but the good kind of tired. i was really hungry too though, i don't have any good breakfast foods. gotta get on that. and we came back mlk, so we checked our pace using the mile markers. we hit 6:49, and i think it was a bit quicker on the way back, and i think that just running on mlk makes you pick up the pace a little because we do all our tempos there. we were probably around 7:00 pace for the whole thing.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles