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RFHS 8x300s

May 31, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: high 70s - but intermittent rain - windy

Went downtown with my mom, sis, brother Steve to the t-shirt printing place to inquire about WS shirts. The ones PI made? Fucking shitty COTTON shirts. Are you kidding me? Your primary product is apparel...and you print the "sponsored crew shirts" on shitty, generic cotton? Unreal. They're brutal. So we're going to bite the bullet and simply make our own again. Ughz.

After that, we went downtown RF for lunch, but I didn't eat. When food arrived, I left to run to the HS for a track session. It was pretty windy, so I decided on 300s, taking out the windy 100m straight, which was nice.

Wasn't sure how I'd feel, but the warm-up felt OK. Did a lap+ of strides, dynamic warm-up, etc. and felt pretty good.

The workout went REALLY, REALLY WELL. Really, the 300s felt quite effortless, especially early. Like, 51 was nothing. The lack of a headwind certainly helped - though the hard rain in the middle 3 reps did not. But I didn't really care.

Was super-form-focused: R pelvic/hip push off, L knee drive, lateral landing/pushoff L. I think I was sloppy in my fatigue at PHS last week, so I was most mindful of not "out-running my mechanics today". Walked the 100m back to the start line (so did first 300m of the oval). Spent that 100 basically doing drills: push off R LE, land lateral L, push middle...repeat... Worked well.

Rest amounted to 1:30. I felt about 95% recovered after a minute. Pushed it more the last two, but never felt all-out:


That last one was a nice treat - could NOT tell you the last time I've done a 300m that fast. And it was NOT all-out. Based on these 300s, I truly think I'm in about 4:12-14 1500m shape, maybe faster.

I timed the workout to be ready for my bro to appear after school. Mom said he'd be out at 2, but it turned out to be the standard RFHS 2:35. I ran around in the parking lot for 1.5 mi/12min, then got tired so I stretched, then did some strength. They finally came out -- all the seniors, dressed in their "class color" (pink & black). They RFHS tradition is that the seniors pile haphazardly into cars and drive around town, honking horns and basically acting like jackasses. It's such an accepted practice that they have police escorts - perhaps more to monitor behavior. It was nuts. I was outside the HS just long enough to hug Will and say congrats, and "Be Safe! Don't hurt yourself!".

Ran home via downtown, and to my friend Max's law office (a tradition of mine: I run to his office on Main St and do "the pop in").

Very, very pleased with this workout. Pretty apprehensive about how shitty I've been feeling all week. I hope I truly am recover[ing]. Going to go long tomorrow and possibly some tempo pace on Sunday.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles 0:00
3.0 Miles Warmup  
1.5 Miles Interval  
4.5 Miles Cooldown