June 15, 2009 (Night)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: Humid and Misty
I started off at Rio Grande and ran north. Up towards the United Artists Cinema I conveniently pass Daniel Kirwan already getting a head start on the incoming freshman year of girls. I keep running and take a left on Wisconsin. Running down I stop into 7 Eleven to say hi to Ishan. He gives me a free gatorade. What a nice guy... Anyway! I run out of the store and down into the metro. Down in a dark corner Luke Wilson is sitting down with a sign, "Vietnam war veteran, accepting only 64 cents for a blowjob" what a liar. Disgusting. I do a couple loops around the metro and I stop to see our infamous artist's Alex Willett, Matt Kastler, and Joshua Ellis doing graffiti of huge male reproductive organs all over the walls and trains, while simultaneously stroking each other. As I'm nearing the end of my run a huge deer flies across the street. Close behind it appears Mabeke yelling some unknown obscenities and running in just a loin cloth, some face paint, bones around his kneck, and a SPEAR! I hope he was able to save that poor dear and returned it to it's habitat. Anyways, I end my run, and oh boy is it one to remember!
Distance | Duration | Pace | HR Avg | HR Max | Interval Type | Shoes |
800.0 Meters | 22:43 | 45:41 / Mile | 123 | 456 | Cruise |