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June 18, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Monsoon

Today felt like the first truly frustrating day of summer. I wanted to go at brisk, healthy clip but in the pouring rain, I failed completely. It drenched quickly and I might as well have been wearing chain-mail by the end of the run. As a result of the pace, it also dragged on for much longer than needed, leaving me sore, but unsatisfied with the effort. There's been talk of eliminating running log :(, but also :). 3-minute side planks, bridge leg lifts (40 each leg), 40 pushups, 60 supermen and my new plank/pushup exercise up to 2:30. Day off tomorrow, then back at it again, hopefully with better luck. I've minimized as much as I can on this estimate--mapping will also be an advantage to the switch.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.4 Miles 44:00 8:08 / Mile Steady State