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LT Workout

June 20, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: glorious sunshine smilling down

stick work, glute activation, bit of jump rope
15' warm-up into 6' steady state
drills and strides
20' at LT Pace
20' cool down

TM called me and wanted to do a workout together. We met up with NS at the Boathouse on Long Pond but we all did different workouts although they all were 20' total.

My workout was alright. Would have like to have my HR a little higher though. Maybe I was a little tired today; maybe LT workouts are best done in the morning. Maybe those trails weren't ideal and I should have gone out to BP as I had planned. Next time.

Anyway, I saw JK on the warm up. Then MB and RR during my LT pace stuff and I couldnt slow down. Then we met up with MH who didn't have his fleet of chicks with him.

Distance Duration Pace HR Avg HR Max Interval Type Shoes
14.4 Kilometers 59:55
3.2 Kilometers 15:30 4:50 / Kilometer Warmup  
1.4 Kilometers 5:30 3:55 / Kilometer Steady State  
5.8 Kilometers 19:45 3:24 / Kilometer 172 177 Tempo  
4.0 Kilometers 19:10 4:47 / Kilometer Cooldown