June 18, 2009 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Went to the DMV and got my DL and new plates. My damn plates are "389 EGG". KITTIN ME? EGG? GHEEEEEEEEEEEE. I'm super annoyed. I might have to put out for some personalized, like "NOT GHEE".
Got to work at 11 and ran an easy 7 with Jeff through the PRE loop, then added on 4. L medial knee "felt it" a bit early, and then the superior cap "feels weird" post-shower. I will MURDER SOMEONE if this pain persists. Hopefully it's just from sore quads. :|
Other than that, I FELT GREAT at the end of the run; a little trashy early from the AT, but the stride FINALLY feels good and efficient...and looks that way, too.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
11.0 Miles |