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July 20, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: High 70s, mild, not an inferno

I rose at about 7:00 to get in a longer run outside. I found an excellent loop: Military to Glebe to Old Dominion to Lee Highway to George Mason to 26th to Yorktown Boulevard, back onto Glebe and back the other way. It presented a very good mixture of up and down. Final mile, especially the last 1200m were pretty strong, but the rest of the run felt easy. I did a 5-minute plank with one arm out, then the other, then one arm, one leg, etc., 400 crunches in a row, slow pushups for 2:00, and six inches for 2:00.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles 1:11:31 7:56 / Mile Long