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Trail work + Becky/Colin's Wedding

July 20, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Walk

Got up early, maybe 5 hours sleep, to drive up to Waldo to do some trail work. Was in pretty good spirits after last night's fun.

Met the crew at their camp at Gold Lake CG. Split into groups, and I was in a group with Meghan, and three others - older ultrarunner folks. Our job was to clear trail from Maiden Lake AS (last AS on the course, at the bottom of the Peak), then follow the course to the PCT, go north (instead of south to the finish) and link up with Maiden Peak trail and take that back to Gold Lake. On paper, about 10ish miles.

On Forest Service land, you have to go through rigorous yearly training (8hrs) to "certify" on a chain saw. So we had one guy on the saw, and the rest of us either "swamped" the cut logs and/or did tread work.

Got a ride all the way around to the Maiden Lake TH (way on the east side of the course), then took off.

It took...a lonnnng time. The guy on the saw....wasn't that great. He was pretty experienced, so something that might've taken 1-2 cuts took like 5-6 and the saw gut stuck about a half dozen times. So, a typical pace of 2mi/hr was nearly 1mi/hr for the first half! Shit!

Long day. It was good work, but not particularly fun. Good "feet time" training, but I'm sore from carrying a 15-20lb chainsaw for half the day!

More annoyingly, I had a wedding to go to: my ex Becky's. So the reception started at 6PM in Veneta (half hr west of Eugene) and I was getting off the trail at 6. Hauled ass back to town, cleaned up, then bolted over there.

I was REALLY hoping this would be an awesome opportunity to "exercise my skills", but it didn't quite work out, for two reasons:

1.) there were like, zero - I mean, zero - single women there. None. And, in general, it was a small wedding, anyway.
2.) I was TIRED and didn't have my "game" energy.

Nevertheless, I had a nice time talking to Becky's sister (#1, Jess, who I've hung out with before, when Beck and I dated). Also met her brother. Had a good time talking to Colin's dad, who's a mega-bad-ass. Colin's friend Joe (who I met a couple years back) showed up; he's single, so we "mingled" together.

Also in attendance was Becky's youngest sister, Katie. She's interesting: I'd never met her but heard a lot: lives in South Beach Miami, is smart (just graduated from an anesthesiologist program), but I've heard a lot...a "player girls": b[l]each blonde hair, fake boobs...that deal.

I decided I'd try to "game" her a little bit, just because it'd be the opposite of what every other guy does around her. B-)

So post wedding we meet at Jackalope and hang out. Pretty low-key. But it was interesting: I basically ignored her, in favor of Becky and Jess, to the point where she was almost *combative* about it! Ha! Earlier, I'd overheard her ask Becky who I was. Then again, at the bar, in front of me, she was asking, "Who IS this guy?". The funny thing is, it was double meaning (e.g. "Who IS this guy, who's not paying attention to my blonde hair and fake boobs?"). It was an interesting - if not annoyingly humorous - situation. She would alternatively be focused on me, then be repulsed, instead taking to being groped with mega-PDA by her BF, who was sitting there.

Anyway, I wasn't looking to hit on her; indeed, the fact that she reacted that way is a big red flag. But again, it's just interesting to put the "material" to use and observe its effects: all I did was be social and outgoing to everyone...but her.

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