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July 31, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

First Hardesty, post-WS. Good day at work, then drove home to pack up stuff. Got to the TH and did a fair amount of dynamic warm-up.

HR discipline was the name of the game. Thankfully I had a measure from the last time I did it. I'd *thought* I had done it in 65...

Ran while listening to a podcast from Maffetone on nutrition and timed it perfectly - the climb took the whole hour+ podcast.

The HR spiked and I had to go pretty damn slow in the latter half, and I was SUPZ annoyed that it took 68:58 to get up there. FUCK!

But, I had a good descent: didn't HAMMER, I just let it go. To be honest, the trail's in mint condition, so the going is easy. Had to slow up to keep under 150, but had a great descent (with only mild tree pollen gut rot...STILL happening). Split 37:05, which is only :20 off my descent PR.

Had fun, too! Switched to tunes, and was singing Taylor Swift on the way down. It just felt good to "fly" again.

Avg HR up: 149
down: 146

Once I got home, I checked from pre-WS: I actually ran 66:30, so 69 isn't too horrible.

Pretty good run; tiring, but strong. Nice feeling.

The PI N2's are so fucking awesome.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles