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Hardesty Up/Down

August 9, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 60-70, rain/storms

GOOD morning of work; got paid today, and got expenses reimbursed already for my NYC class in September (which, I don't have to pay my credit card 'til September,'s like a loan!). It was quite nice out, and I wasn't too tired, so I figured I'd go up to Hardesty and do "the Triangle": Hardesty/June/Goodman, the classic route.

Got to the TH, but the weather went to shit - cloudy and...thunderstorms! Woah! I was half-way up Hardesty and there was a ton of thunder and light rain. Good thing I brought my jacket.

Listened to some podcasts, to keep things chill: Pam on URP, and Morton on Trail Runner Nation.

Felt a little "off" today: just tired. The ascent felt SUPER-slow and sluggish (actually had some gut rot and had to deuce only 20ish min in!). The rain didn't help things.

But worst of all, the R achilles is getting worse. Ughz. It's been tight for a long time, and I need some LMT. There is some nerve involvement, but the tissue is supz tight, despite all the stretching I'm doing. It was bad enough that, by the time I got to the top, I decided to bag the loop and just do up/down.

I felt CRAZY slow but even with a ton of chill hiking, I did the summit in 75:00, which a much lower HR.

On the descent, I kept things really chill since it was wet and my legs were worked. But as I got going, the legs warmed and my speed picked up (it's interesting to see how much better of a tech descender I've become).

On the way down, I was listening to TRN's "Western States Lessons" podcast; one of the guys ran, but dropped at FH. It was super-annoying: to hear his excuses and BS, and how he dropped because he "didn't feel strong": how he "couldn't get his heart rate up" and "didn't have energy", and how he "convinced himself to drop for like an hour", then fought attempts by Sawchuck at FH to keep him going, because he "wanted to do a podcast about DNF'ing". Really bro? I had to turn it off 20min in because I couldn't take his pussy BS anymore.

Obviously I'm sensitive - about my drop and my own relative shame in that - but I still do not regret it. I COULD. NOT. RUN. Period. I was never "in a funk" or "not wanting to run". I was simply DONE. Same as BGD. So, it angers me that people drop simply because they're "not feeling strong". Fuck that.

Switched to tunes, which was fun.

Post-run, felt crazy-tired, but in a "peaceful" way - like I just needed to chill. Went grocery shopping, then came home, cleaned up, ate, then went to bed by 9:30pm.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles