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Cross Fit #9

August 13, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Weights

400m run
Dowel shoulders/leg swings
Dowel holding crucifix and bend over with knees straight
Butt kicks
High knees
Super Mario (i.e. doing uppercut)
Karaoke (grape vine, criss cross, dance move)
T-walk (bend over, touch toes and extend legs out; like bird that drinks water on a desk swinging back and forth)
Spiderman (knees and push-up)
15 squats
15 push-ups

WOD: 5 rounds
100m run
5 strict press (only arms, no legs; start with bar directly under chin and right above clavicle; push up with shoulders and move head back to avoid hitting chin with bar and raise bar overhead)
10 push jerk (dip a little with legs and use momentum to push bar and chest overhead; hips should pop out)
15 box squats (24in")

WOD II: Push Jerk/Split Jerk
3-3-2-2-1 rest 2 minutes in between
use heaviest weight you can do for each set
Push jerk (dip with legs and when push up and explode do a squat to get under the bar; like when in standing position and then drop down to a fast squat; practice with getting on tippy toes and then get to active core position, but using bar)
Split Jerk - similar to push jerk, but legs split and try to get underneath bar

Push Press
2 minutes rest in between

5x 400m - rest 1 minutes in between

Weight: 153.6lbs