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Coss Fit #10

August 15, 2013 (Night)

Exercise Type: Weights

Jump rope (work on double-unders; keep wrist steady and skip fast)

Warm-up: 3 rounds
10 pull-ups
10 push-ups
10 ankle squats (hold onto bar; lean back and keep leg parallel to ground)

WOD: 6 x 1 minute rounds for reps (198 reps)
Kettle bell sumo deadlift swings (keep chest popped out; look up; pop hips; like backing that ass up to close the car door; elbows close to chin; should be working hips and not the quads; kettle should have a little swing at the top going forward with momentum; don't over-do in the beginning
Wall throws (working on form to be able to do cleans and snatches by popping hips;)
Burpee box jumps (burpee into a box jump; keep eyes on box when landing to avoid getting snaked)