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Depoe to Manzanita to Stagecoach to K2/Pig Farm to No Hands to Robie

August 31, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70s, smokey

Up early to drive to Auburn to meet Twiet and some other guys for the Saturday AM run. The conditions were fine in Rocklin but super-smokey only a few miles to the east!

Got to Depoe right at 7 and it was Twiet and one other guy, Glen. The three of us shuffled up the street and up some hills over the olive groves to Manzanita trail.

I did my usual thing: listen to them chatter and absorbing. Did some back and forth with both fellas. Felt pretty crappy: stiff from driving all day yesterday, and the slow pace - on account of Tim's bad heel - didn't help.

He was limping a bit by the time we bottomed out at Stagecoach, so I proposed working on his ankle, which he allowed. SUPZ STIFF! Worked it for a good 5+min, but it was still painful for him, so our run over to K2 was pretty slow. Hiked all of K2 but the small flats, then took the Pig Farm trail back down. Tim let us loose so Glen and I ran fairly fast down to No Hands and waited for him there. We walked quite a bit again, then Glen and I did the whole single track to mile 99, "the No Walk Zone" - a rule Glen made for the Sat AM group: no walking allowed over that section! Waited again for Tim at the top of '99'/Robie.

Walked/jogged back to Depoe w/Tim after dropping Glen off at his place just off Robie.

Had a good chat (1hr+) at Depoe w/Tim afterward.

No idea really how long this run was. 8? 9?

L hammy continues to be dysfunctional. Not getting worse, but getting annoying...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles   adidas Adizero Blue