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PRE/Campus into SPFD

August 28, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: humid, warm

Random FYI...

UGH tastic day - just really tired! Allergies? I think it may be. Cliff wanted to run, so he met me at my apt. I chewed down a zyrtek before the run (wish I'd gotten an hr pre-run).

Felt super-sluggish in the first 3-4 miles, then came around. Wanted 12, but Cliff - who ran H2C over the weekend - was feeling like shit so we turned back before going into SPFD. Had some good "strategy chats" about Shawna, which perked me up. Actually ran mid-high-6s in the end (<150 by quite a bit), so either the legs or the drugs came around.

Got a burger at Jackalope afterward. We saw Molly on her balcony so we invited her to come along. She came, but neither drank or ate, which was a little weird.

SIDE NOTE: here's a weird, annoying thing: so I've asked (twice) Molly to hook me up with her friend Jill, and I've heard nothing. I was secretly hoping that we'd do a "meet & greet" on Sat night at the Celebration, but I didn't push it.

THEN, when I did finally text Molly (aroudn 9-10ish?) if she was out, she said "Yes...I saw you from a distance, but we're going home".

Turns out...she was WITH Jill that night (and maybe even at that moment - per a FB tag on Molly's page, by Jill)! WTF!?!'s what I think (the arrogant, self-centered explanation): I think Molly likes me. She already told me (per our chat last week) that she's unhappy with her BF, and I think she's NOT setting me up with Jill because she wants me for herself! AND...these little hang outs are her "scouting". Thoughts?

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles