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Hoffman Park Trails

September 9, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Rain, warm, MAX humidity

Did the classic Hoffman Park loop this AM. This was an absolute staple in the early 2000s, namely the 2 years I was back at my mom's. But I continued with it until I moved away in 2006. I bet I'd do this loop 3-4x/week.

Ran from mom's 3.x miles to the park, then it's about a 200' climb up to the top of "The Mound", which is a sandstone/limestone elevation in town that has a 1709m trail double track grass/dirt loop, mostly shaded. Incredible loop, with maybe 30' of up/down on the back side. The standard run is x3 loops (but I've been known to do as many as 9 at a time), so I did that.

Wore the HRM. Was laboring from the start, because of the humidity. It was raining variably all run. Got slower and slower, which was annoying.

Back in my heyday, I'd run these loops in the low 7s (7:2x is about a 7min mile). Today? Like 8:20 to 8:50!!!

It was really discouraging...but then on the way home, looking in a window, I saw I was WAYYYY under-extending my hips - I'm all bottled up! This explains my tight hammies! F! So in the last mile, I worked on it and it felt a ton better. And faster.

Cleaned up, then hustled to the airport. Good, good trip!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles