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September 12, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

This might have been the most intense, non-running workout I've done. Because of the lightening and thunder, we were forced to stay inside and do a long aerobic/strength workout. Jason stood on the third floor, Anthony on the second and we would run between each floor doing constant exercises for 5 minutes at each station three times. Before this, we did the crunch progression and pushups of which I got 30, 30 and 20. The workout itself involved long sets of high-knees, pushups, supermen, planks, squats, jumps and twists. I didn't even try to count, but definitely a good day of training. Seeing some remaining time, Sam and I jogged to Mazza and back.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1.3 Miles 40:00
1.3 Miles 10:00 7:41 / Mile Cooldown