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LT Workout

September 17, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: sunny, no wind, but chilly

shorter warm up (had to go to the bathroom in the Education bldg)
a few drills and strides
25' @ LT pace on Long Pond
short cool down (with snacks provided by AM)

Chasing JF, I did my first lap in 9:35! My second was in about 9:44 but I don't mind the positive split because my heartrate was in the right zone. CB came up behind me on the second lap but I felt gamish enough to run harder. That right there is why running in a group can make you a better runner: it sharpens you mentally.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.32 Kilometers 49:24
2.3 Kilometers 13:00 5:39 / Kilometer Warmup  
0.22 Kilometers 0:37 2:48 / Kilometer    
7.7 Kilometers 25:00 3:14 / Kilometer Tempo  
2.1 Kilometers 10:47 5:08 / Kilometer Cooldown